Life Alnus Taejo


A. Preparatory actions 

A1 Characterisation and diagnosis of the habitats 91E0* A2 Elaboration of a technical document for habitat improvement and conservation 91E0*. 

A2 Elaboration of a technical document for the improvement and conservation of habitats 91E0*. 

A3 Search for and signing of land stewardship agreements 

C. Conservation actions 

C1 Harvesting and production of native forest reproductive material 

C2 Improvement of the fluvial hydrological structure. 

C3 Improvement of vegetation structure. management, control and eradication of invasive species 

C4 Improvement of plant structure. silvicultural treatments, plantations and sowing 

C5 Protection against phytopathological agents 

C6 Enclosure of the public water domain and riverbanks for natural regeneration 

C7 Adaptation and preparation for habitat conservation 91E0* in the face of climate change 

D. Monitoring the impact of project actions 

D1 Follow-up and monitoring plan of the evolution of residual alluvial forests in SCI area during the development of LIFE ALNUS 

D2 Follow-up and monitoring plan of the socio-economic impact during the development of LIFE ALNUS TAEJO 

D3 Monitoring and evaluation of the actions and their effect on the ecosystem services in environmental and economic terms 

D4 Monitoring and measurement of indicators