Life Alnus Taejo


The LIFE ALNUS TAEJO project aims to protect, conserve, enhance and restore rivers and riverbanks dominated by residual alluvial forests (priority habitat type 91E0*), which host a high biodiversity and influence the water quality of rivers and their ecosystems. Additionally, the project will demonstrate that the results of the actions improve when integrated river basin management criteria, social awareness, technical training, knowledge transfer, experience sharing in a network and environmental education are applied.

The specific objectives are to:

  • Work with public administrations and relevant stakeholders to improve hydrological ecosystems management;
  • Improve vegetal structure and condition of 91E0* species (e.g. Alnus glutinosa, Frangula alnus, Fraxinus angustifolia, Salix atrocinerea);
  • Recover soil and fluvial space, promoting connectivity between ecosystems of the basin and the restoration of degraded areas;
  • Reduce agricultural pressure on the riverbanks;
  • Raise awareness of citizens to fluvial ecosystems;
  • Reduce pollution, and social and urban pressure on river forests;
  • Improve water quality and river flows, through better river structure, removing illegal barriers and stopping illegal water extraction;
  • Enhance adaptation to climate change to help prevent droughts and desertification;
  • Reduce the number and spread of invasive species;
  • Control Phytophthora alni, a disease of alder; and
  • Promote scientific and technical administrative networks to advance the replicability of these approaches in other river basins and ecosystems.

The project is in line with the EU Water Framework Directive, Habitats Directive, Birds Directive, Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, Floods Directive, and Directive 2004/17/EC on public procurement for entities operating in the water, energy, transport, and postal services sectors.